Предложение Опубликовано: 25.08.2014 | Срок на 3 месяца | Прочтений: 1042

воздушный охладитель (с плавниками), оболочка и теплообменник, пластинчатый теплообменник
We can provide air cooler(finned) ,shell & tube heat exchanger, plate heat exchanger, they be widely used at marine, oil & gas, petrol chemical and pharmaceutical.
shell & tube heat exchanger: Fresh water cooler, L.O. coller, jacket water cooler, Air compressor cooler, steam condenser, atmospheric condenser, FWG evaporator, F.O. heater, L.O. heater, FW heater, jacket water heater, L.O. purifier heater.
Hua Marine Service Co.,Ltd is dedicated to marine equipment supply and service providing. We have been building long-term and stable strategic partnerships with a number of diesel engine supporting manufacturers since our foundation in the beginning of 2004, and we were also the authorized sales dealer for our licensed diesel engine manufactures.
Our Activities:
Ship Equipment & Spare Parts;Ship Repair;Ship Agent;Marine Electronics - DC motor;Fishing Gear;Ship Store;Marine Leisure-boat & yacht.

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